-保护期超过两年(室内) -不含CFC,环保配方 Fukkol Mould Protector is a light grease-like coating that has a green color that visably shows where the product has been applied. Mould Protector displaces moisture and provides corrosion protection for more than two years of indoor storage. The product may be removed with a mild solvent rinse or wipe or simply by putting a mould back in service and running a few parts. Benefits: -Contains a green dye to identify treated surfaces -Simply removed by putting mould back in service -Provides complete protection against finger-print -Provides corrosion protection for more than 2 years (indoor) -No CFC 用 途 APPLICATION 提供一层超薄绿色防锈软膜,*的排水和防潮性,为金属提供长期防锈保护.特别适用于生产及存放中的塑胶模具及压铸模具,也适用于其他金属工具及零件的防锈。
It green colored ultra-thin soft film which provides long term corrosion protection to metals. Absolutely displaces water and resists moisture. Especially designed for protection of moulds, tings and dies in production or in storage. A reliable rust preventative agent for metal tools and parts.. Characteristics特性 Flash Point (PMCC)闪点 < 0°C Boiling Range沸点 > 100°C Specific Gr*ity比重 0.6032 Vapor Density蒸气密度 Is he*ier than air重过空气 Evaporation Rate蒸发速度 >1 (Butyl Acetate=1) Stability稳定性 Stable稳定 东莞市创丰润滑油有限公司是一家以*工业润滑油、润滑脂、润滑剂等石化产品为主要经营项目的生产商贸型企业,主营KANUO锣牌合成高温链条油、高温润滑脂、工业润滑油、斜顶油,模具顶针油,LP-80润滑防锈剂、食品级润滑剂,清洗剂等产品。